Kitchen Hygge

Hi everyone,

Well time is marching on and summer is not too far away. For this chat about hygge, I thought that we’d explore ways to carry on with the hygge way and concentrate our thoughts on how to hygge our kitchen, which is known as the heart of the house.

So….how do we go about making our kitchen more hygge without spending too much money? Well here goes…

First of all, no matter how gorgeous your appliances are or how well you’ve decorated, you can’t use and enjoy a kitchen that’s messy and cluttered, so if you’re staying in control of this, great, next step here we come.

One of the basic components of hygge décor is to bring the outdoors inside by adding natural elements.

·         A small bowl of shells that you’ve collected from a beach will bring lovely memories of family holidays

·         A wicker or seagrass basket or wooden tray to hold kitchen towels serves the dual purpose of keeping them handy and bringing an earthy feel to the kitchen.

·         A wooden chopping board is both functional and looks great.

·         Wooden bowls.

·         Any decorative items that are rustic or made from natural materials and textures.

Buy pots of herbs to display on the window sill. Not only do they mean that they are handy to pop into cooking, but they smell and look amazing.

If the weather is kind, open the blinds and windows and let the fresh air in, bringing in with it the hint of summer.

Have cut flowers on the kitchen table. Fresh flowers instantly make the space more beautiful.

Enjoy a glass of fruit-infused water. Pour a glass, sit down and relax with this refreshing drink.

Add candles to your kitchen. Candles are at the heart of hygge and help create the warm glow you need for a soft friendly atmosphere.

Add bookshelves and display your cookbooks. Add artwork, why not?

These are just a few suggestions to help bring hygge into all parts of the house.

Next time, we’ll think about bringing hygge into the garden, just in time for summer.

Until next time, take care and peaceful wishes.


Hygge Self-Care - Part One


Hygge in Spring