Hygge Hobbies

Hi everyone, and welcome to the hygge blog. Today I thought we’d think about Hygge Hobbies and what actually makes a hobby hygge.


The definition of a hobby is a pastime that gives you pleasure done during leisure time. But a hygge hobby goes just a bit further and says that it is a pastime or activity that gives you pleasure but also a sense of comfort and relief from stress and busyness. It is something that brings you into the present moment. However, if it is something like knitting for example, then it’s not just a pleasure it also gives you an end product and this adds an extra layer of hygge again.


Hobbies can range from DIY, woodwork, carving, knitting, sewing, to mindfulness practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, sports or even travel. Anything that gives you a sense of joy and comfort can be classed as a hygge hobby.


Simple pleasures also tick a large hygge box. Biking instead of jumping in a car, walking the dog, going for a ramble in the countryside with family and/or friends are all simple things that are very hygge, and help to de-stress and calm us.


Sports and being active is a really important factor in our lives. We don’t all have to take part in strenuous activities, but it goes without saying that physical exercise is vital for our well-being and therefore is a vital part of hygge. It adds to our quality of life, but is also good for becoming part of a community, whether you are part of a running club, cycling club, ramblers association, bird watching group or going for a regular walk with family and friends.


Until next time, take care, enjoy your hobbies and peaceful wishes.


Hygge Christmas - Part 1


Hygge in Autumn