Hygge in the Morning

Hi everyone, it’s hygge time again.

This time let’s talk about how to start the day on the right foot, in a slightly slower, happier way.

Tiny Happy Things:

- Sunshine through the window

- Singing along with the radio

- The first sip of coffee

Mornings can be a crazy time, getting up and getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school, breakfast, lunchboxes, etc, etc.

We all know the feeling of the long summer holidays when we were children, we could get up when we wanted to, ready for a day of doing what we wanted (within reason), a new adventure to lie every day. Trees to be climbed, streams to be paddled in, fishing, bike rides, roller skating and fort building, camping in a home made tent in the garden, but when you’re an adult, life doesn’t always seem that exciting.

So let’s give ourselves a positive start to each and every day and in that way, set it in a positive light and so cultivating optimism and gratitude. so here goes.


While you’e still in bed, give every part of your body a really good stretch as stretching has a great calming effect on body and mind and also it increases blood flow.


While you’re stood in the shower, have some calming music playing, use naturally scented shower gel and shampoo. If you are really feel like changing things around, use a body wash that has a fragrance that compliments the season you’re in. Lavender, rose or jasmine is good for Spring, Basil, citrus or lemongrass for Summer, pumpkin, cinnamon and apple for Autumn and peppermint, chocolate or grapefruit for Winter.


Have a cup of hot tea first thing or hot water with lemon and drink it slowly. You have gone all night with no fluids, so it’s really important to rehydrate as soon as you can.


Spend a few moments working on a creative project to get the creative juices flowing.


Set your alarm for a few minutes earlier so that you are able to walk (even without a dog) and get out into nature to give yourself a boost. By connecting with Mother Earth, and also you are exercising and giving your body a workout at the same time.


Although cereals can be ok, there’s nothing better than trying to eat foods that are organic and/or fresh each day.


On your way to work, listen to inspirational podcasts and learn something or listen to music to start the day off right.


Make sure you use all of your five senses before driving off to work or going shopping or running errands. TOUCH something soft or stroke your cat. LISTEN to music as you are getting ready for work, LOOK for gorgeous flowers in the garden, enjoy the sunbeams or even watch the rain creating ripples in a puddle, TASTE something amazing, strawberries, a lovely blend of tea or coffee and SMELL your favourite coffee, or add some essential oil to water in a spray bottle and mist your car before getting in.


Give yourself some time to imagine how your day is going and how to get the most out of it.


Surround yourself with plants and take five minutes to go round and water them and trim off any brown leaves and dead blooms. This helps to centre you and calm your mind.

These are just some of the ways that hygge can help to start off each day in a calm, happy manner. It’s not essential that you do all of them. Perhaps just choose a different one each day and see what happens.

Until next time, take care and peaceful wishes.


Hygge Nights


Hygge - Your Car